2007's HERE! It'd kinda surereal how it's arrived already...
I can't say 2006 passed as I wanted it to, but it was mostly good; nothing I'd ever change, that is(: Sure, some things said could've been taken back, things done could've been BETTER done, but I guess they don't matter any more(x There's suddenly this feeling of immense optimism bout 07 and the NEW YEAR(x And I can't be more thankful that it's coming at such a good time.
2007's gonna be different for all of us, I think. Moving on and all that. I can't say much bout it too, cos everything's been said. All the 'keep in touch's, 'will miss you!'s; I hope those who've said it will mean it. It's gonna be hectic, crazy and what not, I suspect and it'll definitely be a welcomed comfort to have a constant through it all. Or many constants, preferably(x
God knows what'll happen. I can only commit everything to Him now. My fears, hopes, dreams... All into His hands. I know He'll see them and make everything well at the end of the day. Best author, ever; so, I don't think He'll ruin my life story, unless I ruin it myself(x
BAH. I can't blog any more without becoming just another blog or blogging what it really means to me. SO, I hope everything turns out for the best, like it normally does. hmm, SO MANY THINGS TO REMEMBER THIS YEAR. I guess just a bit bout everything won't hurt?(x
My class 4I, 2007:
CRAZY. haha, the lessons with Khong and Rachelsee SNEEZING, Sumi's weird qns, T-melia's enthusiasm, Sining and Valerie's random bouts of laughter in class(x , Mdm Lum's REIGN OF TERROR (POOR aunty mingjin(x ), Brenda's enthusiasm to get our class to PARTICIPATE!(x , the MUGGING times with jing/daddy/tata/khong/sining/mj or whoever(x haha.I LOVE 4I 2007(x And of course, the CRAZY SMART PPL WHO CAN GET BLOODY GOOD SCORES. (like Khong who gets straight A1s. 0.0 )
The proposals of last, LAST year, the events we've ushered at, the weird outings after(PP KOPITIAM!(x ), the study sessions with pcs in teh PR(: other schools' invests, OUR INVEST...(x
Leaders 06/Instructors 05:
DAMN, all the CACAT TIMES!(x As in structors 05 --the DANCE practices!(x Belle's house, PPmacs!, morning setups!, OAC 05... Ahaha, DAMN good memories, even now(: We had fun, THAT I can safely say(x As leaders 06 --OAC 06!(x haha, the times when we were slaccking in the kitchen, walking around aimlessly and being retarded, FOURTH NIGHT!(x , thousand-legged worm, etc(x so CACAT, so DAMNED fun(: People and things I REALLY won't forget.
ALL THE IMPROMPTU OUTINGS (that Grace, Jazzy and I SOMEHOW had a hand in planning(x ), the BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS (cake smearing, bikini and whatnot(x ), SEOULD GARDEN, the movies, the gatherings at Grace's place... It's been awesome. the gossiping, bitching and all too(x These are people I don't EVER want to forget(:
Church/ JYC comm 05:
I guess we weren't as close... But, it happens I guess. And not doubt that it would, even if it didn't happen last year. I still want stuff to be kept together, I guess. Even if, it's just Rach and I. Everyone's flying off... In their own way.
Hmmm, I guess at the end of it all, I can only hope I won't lose anything I gained in 2006. And all I can TRULY hope for is a HAPPY New Year, in 2007.
So many wishes and dreams yet to come true...